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The Campbell
4 & 5 Bed, 2 & 3 Storey Detached
The exquisite Campbell 4 and 5 bedroom homes capture the legacy of Robert Campbell, an Irish-born mariner who became a significant figure in maritime history. The design and quality of the homes reflect his audacious spirit, his daring approach to life and his passion for the seas.

Robert Campbell
Ireland | 1782 (b) - 1832(d)

47 mins from Dublin

50 mins from Dublin

47 mins from Dublin
The Campbell

2 & 3 Storey Detached
4 & 5 Bed
4 Bathrooms
149 sq m / 1,602 sq ft &
179 sq m / 1,927 sq ft

"Coastal Living Redefined."
Floor Plans
*Floor plans, room areas and dimensions are indicative only and subject to change. In line with our policy of continuous improvement, we reserve the right to alter the layout, building style, landscaping, and specifications at any time without notice.
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